Thoughts from Barcelona

barcelona, life, random thoughts


Just over one year ago we packed up all our belongings, three children and dog and headed for Spain. We drove for three days through France and landed in Barcelona with inflatable beds, a few plates and a handful of cutlery. Sometimes these decisions make perfect sense when you are in the middle of them and only later do you think….”wow, we were mad!”.
Here are my thoughts 14 months on:
– Catalania is one of the most beautiful and vibrant places on earth.
– Spanish food is very tasty. Fifteen pounds tasty to be exact!
– Children are more resilient than we give them credit for.
– Being a stay at home Mum takes an enormous amount of energy and patience.
– Learning a new language as an adult is  takes longer than you would think.
– You meet many, many interesting and truly incredible people in an international community.
– The Spanish know how to celebrate life in a way I have never seen before.
– Beach life never gets old.
– Living in wine country is beautiful, interesting and dangerous.
– Reaching outside your comfort zone to attain new life and personal goals rewards you in amazing and unexpected ways.

Goals, Goals, Goals

Boring Life, random thoughts

It’s 2013!!

2012 has flown by at lightening speed and I find myself once again reviewing my accomplishments and setting new goals for the year ahead. I love new starts. I cherish new beginnings. A new year excites and invigorates me like no other time of year. I pull out my shiny new calendar and record all my birthdays, anniversaries, tidbits of information and motivational quotes and I hit the ground running.

However…..this year I’ve found that my goals for 2013 are…….ditto 2012.
Does this  mean I am not moving forward as a person? Have I been stagnant for the past year?
I haven’t! I’ve been overwhelmingly busy! But, am I filling my jar with pebbles instead of rocks? I can only hope that this year was a lovely time to relax and pause after chasing three lovely children and getting the last one out of his baby stage and onto todderdom.

I cherish 2013 even more now that I have two years worth of goals to accomplish!

Bring on 2013

Hello World!

children, random thoughts

I’m back!

It’s been awhile and life has moved on without my daily account and acknowledgment of its existence. We’ve been so busy since my last post that I’m not sure where to begin.

From my very lagging memory, I’ve neglected to record the following happenings:
– we sold our house
– we rented our house back from the buyer (who charged us for random things such as lightbulbs when we eventually left 3 months later)
– we bought a new house
– Ava & Jake changed nurseries
– we moved from St. Albans
– Darragh got a promotion and started traveling EMEA
– Ava & Jake got their own rooms! (no more sharing!)
– we went to Ireland
– we vowed we would never fly again until they were 10
– we flew again
– Ava & Jake got bikes
– we bought a lawnmower (and a trimmer)
– darragh bought the mother of all toolboxes
– we officially entered suburbia
– Ava & Jake consistently started sleeping through the night (I hope this doesn’t jinx it)

Whew, I need a nap!

Lots to look forward to the rest of 2010.
Stay tuned!

Ski Princess

life, random thoughts

Several years ago Darragh and I decided it was high time we learned how to ski. Our first ever ski trip took us to Whistler. We hit the jackpot with the most amazing snow of the season in one of the premier ski resorts in the world. Sadly, it was lost on us as we spent most of the time in our ski lessons on the magic carpet.

Since that time, we’ve been lucky enough to visit several other gorgeous mountainous destinations including Alpe D’Huez and a resort close to Salzburg. Both trips dazzled us with beautiful scenery and good times.

Of all our ski trips, I was looking forward to this year’s trip to Verbier the most. Not only would we get to share it with our beautiful baba’s, but I was determined to increase my ski confidence on the slopes of Switzerland!

I had two goals for this ski excursion:
1. Return with all limbs in tact
2. Depart Verbier with the confidence to anticipate a return trip with enthusiasm

I had a quick scan today and I thankfully have all my body parts.
Thanks to a very patient and understanding husband, I am amazingly psyched for our next skiing adventure!


After two days of tears and the ever helpful shouts from behind me saying “point your ski’s down the hill”, I eventually made it down my little blue run without any snow plowing or side stepping. It took me 15 times, but darnit, I did it! After the first mishap of missing the ski lift, I even got on and of the lifts without taking any other skiers or myself out.

By the end of the trip I was zooming around with a huge smile on my face admiring the spectacular scenery.

I can now understand how people can catch the ski bug and return year after year. The wind on my face and fantastically beautiful scenery is someting I will look to with anticipation as the autumn leaves drop from the trees and the winter mornings cover the ground with frost.

Goodbye scaredy cat and hello ski princess!!!

Home Sweet Home!

children, life, random thoughts, toddlers

I love the excitement and enthusiasm you feel as you eagerly pack for a trip to an unknown and exciting location. The excitement mounts as you imagine the beautiful new scenery, delicious food and fascinating locals. Sometimes the locale lives up to your high expectations, sometimes it exceeds and ever so often it lags behind.

One thing I find interesting about travel is the anticipation of home at the end of the journey. No matter if it’s one week or one month, the last day always feels like it’s time to go. It must be a psychological defense mechanism to make sure you actually do go home instead of deciding to embark on a new life in your chosen paradise.

With two toddlers, it’s even more apparent when this time arrives.
By yesterday, every last piece of clothing was covered with puke, poo or snot. Jake had decided he was tired of the strange food and went on a hunger strike, Ava’s skin was covered in dry patches and felt like sandpaper and Jake was puking after every morsel that went into his mouth as he was overloaded with junk food.

Today our 6:30am bus to the airport was a no show and we were fleeced for our final pennies by the Easyjet baggage police in Geneva airport.

Tired and weary, we happily arrived in St. Albans this morning. The baba’s were delighted to see their old toys and eat food they recognized. I am eagerly looking forward to lying on the couch and catching up on American Idol episodes.

Home Sweet Home!