The Teachers


It’s often said that you learn more from your children than they learn from you. The difficult part is seeing the teachings when they are presented. I’ve been working on being more cognizant and in the moment to cherish these little lessons.

I’ve had a big one recently and I’m bursting to share…

On Sunday we had our standard roast for dinner. For dessert, I decided to make a couple small cakes to serve with a custard I had just learned to make in my recent Waitrose cookery course. I heard a scuffle coming from upstairs and in my standard Mummy mode, I quickly grabbed some sprinkles and icing and called my little cake decorators downstairs. Thankfully two of them appeared and the scuffle was forgotten. They spent the next 20 minutes adding mounds of sprinkles to the cake with delight!!! It’s magical to see the excitement sprinkles can bring to their eyes.

As the cake decorating wound down, my little girl started searching for candles. My grown up self started asking questions like why did we need candles when it wasn’t someone’s birthday? Wouldn’t I need those later when it was someone’s birthday? Etc, etc? Thankfully, before I had to ask, my sweet little angel said “we are celebrating putting up the Christmas Tree”. Of course we were!

As we lit the candles and sang “We Wish you a Merry Christmas” I found myself bursting with happiness and pride.

It’s these teachings that you cherish forever!


children, toddlers

Two is such a lovely number. And such a fantastic age for a little boy who has his whole life in front of him.
The brilliant thing about the second time around is that you can re-live those sweet little moments all over again.
Our little baby is growing up. He is starting to string words together. He is showing his independence!
My heart melts when I walk in the room and he shouts ‘space, space’ forcing all three children to shuffle down and make room for me on the couch. How can I bottle up these sweet little moments cause in a few more years they will be filling the couch so I can’t sit down.

Throw some money at it…

children, toddlers

As I was spending my Sunday morning recovering from a surgery and several glasses of wine the night before, I did what most mother’s in this state would do and persuaded my five year old to play Mario Kart. I am sure that Gina Ford and other experts on the art of parenting would be in total agreement with me here….

He switches on the TV, controller in hand and nothing happens. After some grumbling about losing Wii games and taking care of our things I insert a new disc into the Wii and try to persuade him that he really preferred to dance.

The disc won’t go in. Hmmmm….unplugging things usually fixes them right up.

As I pull at the device to uplug the cords I hear a lovely jingling inside.

Toddler man has decided to stick his spare change in the opening. Someone told him that throwing money at it fixes anything!


Separation Anxiety

Boring Life, children, toddlers

sep·a·ra·tion (noun) \ˌse-pə-ˈrā-shən\ the act or process of separating : the state of being separated

anx·i·ety (noun) \aŋ-ˈzī-ə-tē\ an abnormal and overwhelming sense of apprehension and fear often marked by physiological signs (as sweating, tension, and increased pulse), by doubt concerning the reality and nature of the threat, and by self-doubt about one’s capacity to cope with it

Separation anxiety (noun) the art of a small crawling child following their Mother around until said Mother locks herself in a confined space (see bathroom). This is generally followed by very loud wails sounding as if the small crawling child will soon expire from either crying or hyperventilating.

Mother extracts herself from bathroom and cuddles the smallie. Wailing stops.

Mother gently places smallie on floor and goes back into bathroom. Wailing starts.

Repeat (infinity sign)

I have been incredibly blessed with a third child and yet I ask myself at least once per week…”how did I do this with two?”.

Off to pickup a wailing child.

Hello World!

children, random thoughts

I’m back!

It’s been awhile and life has moved on without my daily account and acknowledgment of its existence. We’ve been so busy since my last post that I’m not sure where to begin.

From my very lagging memory, I’ve neglected to record the following happenings:
– we sold our house
– we rented our house back from the buyer (who charged us for random things such as lightbulbs when we eventually left 3 months later)
– we bought a new house
– Ava & Jake changed nurseries
– we moved from St. Albans
– Darragh got a promotion and started traveling EMEA
– Ava & Jake got their own rooms! (no more sharing!)
– we went to Ireland
– we vowed we would never fly again until they were 10
– we flew again
– Ava & Jake got bikes
– we bought a lawnmower (and a trimmer)
– darragh bought the mother of all toolboxes
– we officially entered suburbia
– Ava & Jake consistently started sleeping through the night (I hope this doesn’t jinx it)

Whew, I need a nap!

Lots to look forward to the rest of 2010.
Stay tuned!

Where’s the Trampoline?

children, life

We’ve just arrived back home from a lovely visit to Cork.

Ava and Jake visited their cousins and we saw their fabulous new house.

Their house is a to die for mix of a country setting yet close enough to ammenities that you never feel isolated. Looking out their windows it feels as if you nestled in the wilds of Ireland. It’s so peaceful that I could have moved us all in had their not been protests from the current inhabitants. The inside is equally as idyllic.
Needless to say, we had a fabulous time as did the little ones.

They spent much of the days jumping on the trampoline, going down the slide and playing with the hens. The fresh air was lovely for them and especially lovely for the restful nights it provided for us!

After our fun filled weekend, we arrived home Sunday afternoon to a cold and cloudy day. Jake immediately ran outside to his own garden. Dressed in full gear (coat, hat, gloves) he stood next to our metal bin and gazed at the fence (3 feet away).

Me: “Jake, do you want to ride your scooter?”

Jake: “No.”

Me: “Jake, do you want to ride your bike?”

Jake: “No.”

I felt a bit sad as I closed the door and watched him stare longingly at the fence.

I just know he was waiting for a trampoline and a bigger garden to appear.

Bring on the new house!

The Slide


There is nothing quite like the excitement in a child’s eyes as they dart down the slide. It forces me to remember what is important in life and focus on the pure innocence that my children possess. One look at the glitter in their eye and smile on their face and all my adult woes are immediately forgotten.

Here are Jake and Ava at Suson Park in St. Louis.

Daddy Aerobatics


This evening as the bath is filling with warm sudsy water, I popped downstairs to warm the baba’s bottles. From the kitchen I hear the lovely sound of  laughter from Jake and screams of delight from Ava.

I step from the kitchen to listen. More laughing. More screams. The sound of toddlers laughing is one of the most glorious sounds on earth!

I gather the bottles and ascend the stairs as I listen to belly laughs and screaming coming from our bedroom. I enter to see Jake flying headfirst into the soft faux fur blanket covering the bed. He lands and erupts in laughter as Ava is lifted and catapulted headfirst onto the nest of pillows.

As Darragh has been in Chicago for the past week, he is full of excitement and raring to play with the baba’s.  Unfortunately, he doesn’t see the importance of keeping things low key at bedtime.

We’ve spent 18 months trying to get the baba’s to sleep between the hours of 7 and 7. It’s now 6:45 and they are flying around the bedroom like little circus gymnasts. Unbelievable! I hear a Mummy scold flying out of my mouth and continue with my chores.

I tend to the bath and come back to the same antics I left. Although the three of them are loving their together time, I am dreading the tears that will ensue when they are too wound up for bedtime.

I issue my Mummy scolds again.
Me: “Who is the adult here?”
Darragh: “Clearly, you.”

Ugh! I’m fighting a losing battle.

I stomp downstairs to start dinner and drown out the anticipated cries.

Good Night!

Oh Dear


Coming from a multicultural household, the question that keeps surfacing is “what accent will the baba’s have?”. Will they have the fluent and graceful American English accent of my native tongue, the Irish lilt of Darragh’s homeland or or a very proper British accent?

My theory is that they will have some mix of the three.
Time will surely tell.

Although, the use of British colloquialisms is already filtrating into their vocabulary.

Several days ago we were sitting on the couch and Ava said 2 words very clear. I looked at her with bewilderment. She then repeated the same words several times.
A light bulb went off in my head.
Me: “Oh Dear?”
Ava: “Oh Dear”
Me: “Oh Dear?”
Ava: “Oh Dear”
Me (laughing): “Oh Dear”
Ava (laughing): “Oh Dear”

I love our conversations!

The Aftermath

children, toddlers


uesday evening Darragh & I were nestled on the couch catching up on rubbish TV when we heard some coughing from upstairs. This was followed by a moment of silence, then a wail. Darragh rushed upstairs to find our poor little Ava drenched and sitting in a smelly puddle of vomit.

As Darragh peeled her jammies off and wiped down her exposed body parts, I had the lucky job of cleaning up her bedclothes. I gathered her blankets and stuffed animals then carefully pulled her sheets off the bed. I juggled the sheet to get it into the bathroom without spilling. Once in the bathroom, I dumped the puke in the toilet and washed the sheet in the tub. This is where I am not proud to have such a good shnozer! The smell was overwhelming!! It brought me back to a childhood memory of my Mom making these horrendous gagging noises when she cleaned up our puke. The sound of her gagging was almost worse than the original puke!

Ava stayed in our bed, waking up every hour to throw up all over all of us. She would then roll back over and slump into an exhausted slumber.

About 3:00am, after I was awoken by a vomiting session, I went to check on Jake (who was sound alseep). Since I was up, I went into the office to waste some time on the computer. I’d just sat down when I heard more coughing. Poor little Ava, I thought, as I walked back to our bedroom. As I passed the baba’s room, I saw Jake sitting up in his bed. It was Jake! He had just vomited his huge evening snack all over himself and his bed. Once again, we were peeling off clothes and rinsing out bedclothes.

I put Jake in the bed next to Ava, who immediately started rubbing his back. She knew exactly how he felt!

Thankfully, things did improve as the morning wore on.

All is now well in our house, although Jake’s little bear had to spend a night outside on his own after a quick trip through the washing machine:
