Goals, Goals, Goals

Boring Life, random thoughts

It’s 2013!!

2012 has flown by at lightening speed and I find myself once again reviewing my accomplishments and setting new goals for the year ahead. I love new starts. I cherish new beginnings. A new year excites and invigorates me like no other time of year. I pull out my shiny new calendar and record all my birthdays, anniversaries, tidbits of information and motivational quotes and I hit the ground running.

However…..this year I’ve found that my goals for 2013 are…….ditto 2012.
Does this  mean I am not moving forward as a person? Have I been stagnant for the past year?
I haven’t! I’ve been overwhelmingly busy! But, am I filling my jar with pebbles instead of rocks? I can only hope that this year was a lovely time to relax and pause after chasing three lovely children and getting the last one out of his baby stage and onto todderdom.

I cherish 2013 even more now that I have two years worth of goals to accomplish!

Bring on 2013

Re-entering Life

Boring Life

“Being a mother is the hardest job on earth. Women everywhere must declare it so.” – Oprah

Some days you wake up feeling like the luckiest girl in the world. Your children are healthy, your children are happy and you are doing a wonderful job as a mother.

Other days you wake up to a wailing, puking child and wonder where things have gone terribly wrong.

There is also a day when you wake up and remember yourself. It’s usually after 18 months of feeding/changing/feeding/changing/
feeding/changing/tantrums/feeding/changing/a few glasses of wine.

There it is. Laying in front of you. There is a life outside of this and you can join.

An invite into the secret club of people who go out past dark. People who laugh at adult jokes. People who put on eyeliner and perfume. People who enjoy life outside of Birthday parties and family swim. People who enjoy making that Barbie cake for the 100th time just for fun, but also enjoy a nice glass of vino and a lovely dress.

It’s been a long time, but I’m delighted to be back in the club!

Separation Anxiety

Boring Life, children, toddlers

sep·a·ra·tion (noun) \ˌse-pə-ˈrā-shən\ the act or process of separating : the state of being separated

anx·i·ety (noun) \aŋ-ˈzī-ə-tē\ an abnormal and overwhelming sense of apprehension and fear often marked by physiological signs (as sweating, tension, and increased pulse), by doubt concerning the reality and nature of the threat, and by self-doubt about one’s capacity to cope with it

Separation anxiety (noun) the art of a small crawling child following their Mother around until said Mother locks herself in a confined space (see bathroom). This is generally followed by very loud wails sounding as if the small crawling child will soon expire from either crying or hyperventilating.

Mother extracts herself from bathroom and cuddles the smallie. Wailing stops.

Mother gently places smallie on floor and goes back into bathroom. Wailing starts.

Repeat (infinity sign)

I have been incredibly blessed with a third child and yet I ask myself at least once per week…”how did I do this with two?”.

Off to pickup a wailing child.


Boring Life, children

This weekend we went shopping for ski gear for the baba’s and ended up with trikes!!!

I happened like this:
We walked into a super warehouse of sporting equipment called Decathalon.
The first thing I spied from the door was a little blue and red trike with a parent handle. My eyes lit up! I grabbed Jake out of the stroller and plopped him into the trike. Huge smiles! He loved it!
We found a little pink one for Ava. She loved it!

My excitement was so overwhelming that I could not hold the camera still:

trikes trikes2

After a lovely jaunt around the store, we loaded ourselves and the trikes in the back of our SUV and headed home.

Once home, I assembled trike #1 with my 2 helpers eagerly handing me pieces and tripping over parts. We got pinkie’s together and off she went with Daddy – grinning from ear to ear as she rambled down our little cobblestone sidewalk.

Trike #2 was easier to assemble, although I had a very anxious little boy helping me. He would help for a few minutes, then spend a few minutes seeing if he could knock Ava off hers so he could ride it.

At last, both trikes were together.

The whole family screeching down our little road!

It’s so fun to see the babies pure delight with the outdoors and fascination with these new wheeled toys. I’ve actually raced home from work this week in anticipation of pushing the baba’s in their new toys.

I’m pretty sure that I am more excited about the trikes than my toddlers.
I love being able to re-live childhood!

Glasses Again

Boring Life

I began my journey with eyewear when I was 5 years old! My little fro and brown rimmed 70’s glasses made me supermodel material at a young age.

The first experience I remember in my spectacled life is telling my 1st grade teacher that I had glasses and needed to wear them to see the board. How geeky! My mom must have made me do it.

I graduated to the big step of contact lenses at age 13. My grandma and I got them together and it was a momentous occasion.

Because I had bad astigmatism, I was forced to get gas permeable lenses. Essentially, these are an advanced version of hard contacts which wore colluses on my inner eyelids. This meant I walked around for the first couple weeks with my eyes popped so far open and desperately trying not to blink that I looked like a deer in the headlights.

Even more challenging was trying to ‘pop’ them out of my eyes. There was a special maneuver where I pulled the corner of my eye to force my eyelids to pop the lens out. I’m not sure if I can truly explain how difficult this is to master. The first night I popped the first lens out like a pro. I was a contact lens natural!

The second lens, however, was not so successful. After 2 hours of pulling, pushing and rubbing my eyes I was actually further from getting lens #2 out of my eye. By this time my eye was so swollen from the prodding and tears that it was barely open enough to do the ‘pop’. At one point, we were in the car with the ignition running and ready to depart for the ER.
I pleaded for one last attempt.
Thankfully, it worked!

After many years of contact lenses, many misguided pops leading to family members disassembling the bathroom sink (thanks Greg!), I made the huge leap to Lasik surgery.
My life was transformed!!
I could see the clock in the morning and the bottom of the shower.
I could sleep in for 5 extra minutes and go to bed 5 minutes later as I didn’t have lenses to deal with.
I didn’t have to worry about falling asleep on the couch and waking up with my lenses glued to my eyes from dryness.
There were no more tears streaming down my face when the wind blew or I went for a cycle.
I was a new woman!

Five years after Lasik, I’ve gone full circle. Glasses Again.

The frames are still brown but with anti-glare lenses and more up to date frames. Fortunately, I’m feeling much more stylish than my bespectacled fro days.


The Madness

Boring Life

Since I’ve returned from maternity leave I’ve seen my daily commute as my ‘me time’. It’s a relaxing time of the day when my brain and my body is able to shut off. In the mornings, I use the journey to read a book. In the evenings I flip through the gossip pages of the free newspaper that’s thrown in front of your face at the entrance to every Underground and train station. On a good day I can even complete a couple of sudoko’s on the train. I love my me time!

Last week I peered over my free paper and this is what I saw from my perch at the top of the bus:



Wall to wall cars.
Wall to wall buses.
Wall to wall people.
What sort of delusional state was I in to find this craziness peaceful and relaxing?

Apparently 1 million + people commute into London from outside the M25. These commuters on top of the 7.5 million people living in  Greater London makes for absolute madness at 9am and 5pm. As of July 2007, Greater London surpassed Paris as the most populous municipality in the EU. Wow! This is a lot to take in for a Missouri girl!

I am so sorry that my little bubble has burst. I much preferred my dream state of a blissful daily journey to the new reality of the steel jungle that I’ll be facing next week!